The Symbolism in Balinese Jewelry

The Symbolism in Balinese Jewelry

Just as in many cultures, there's a lot of tradition and symbolism associated with the traditional jewelry that you see in Bali. Dating all the way back to the Bronze Age, Indonesian jewelry has a long and storied history that you can see, both in the precious metals used to create the pieces, as well as the sacred symbols that make themselves known in many of the items that are found in the region.

Unlike in many Western cultures, the most predominant metal used to create Balinese jewelry is silver, rather than gold. Anyone who has an appreciation for beauty will love jewelry that comes from Balinese artists. Let's take a journey together to learn more about the symbolism and origins of these unique pieces of jewelry.

History of Balinese Silver

While there may have been an abundance of gold in Bali at some point in the past, it's more well known for its history of using bronze and later, silver to create intricate designs that are unique to the region.

Over time, Bali became a refuge for people fleeing Java during the spread of Islam across Indonesia. For that reason, Bali experienced a growing Hindu population, which you can see represented in the rich symbolism that pervades the jewelry native to the region.

When the Majapahit Empire fell apart, Javanese noblemen and craftsman made their way to Bali, bringing with them the art of crafting jewelry from precious metals. These amazing artists began crafting highly detailed and symbolic pieces that continue to define the Bali culture even today. 

The Symbolism of Silver

Alongside the ancestral traditions that play a role in the development of handmade jewelry in Bali, is the symbolism that goes along with the use of silver. Originally, the metal was used for ceremonial purposes and as religious offerings. However, over time, silver began to be used to create beautiful accessories that people wore outside of religion, therefore blending the spiritual nature of the metal with the cultural desire to wear lovely adornments. Let's find out more about the origins of silver and what it means to the Bali culture. 

Spiritual Significance

Because the use of silver finds its origins in the spiritual practices that took place in Bali in centuries past, the people who live there feel a connection to the metal for its ability to ward off evil spirits. When silver jewelry is worn, it's done so as a way to find protection from spiritual power. Pieces designed for this purpose often come carved with symbols and designs that offer this protection. 


Silver has historically been used in Bali to create canang sari, which is an offering to the god, Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa. The silver is used as an offering of gratitude and a way to honor the relationship between people, God and the environment around them. 

Symbol of Purity

The Balinese people believe that silver denotes purity and spiritual strength. This is a big reason why so much of the handcrafted jewelry that comes from Bali is made from silver. The symbolism comes from the nature of silver, which is resistant to corrosion, signifying the purity that exists in the realm of the divine.

Connection to the Past

The history of the traditional jewelry of Bali goes back generations upon generations. Therefore, silver creates a connection to the peoples of the past and enables the traditional techniques to continue to honor and preserve the ancient traditions of past Balinese jewelry artists. 

Silver Tells a Story

Because many Balinese jewelry pieces feature powerful symbols, they tell the story of many Balinese traditions. This is particularly true of Hindu history in Bali and you will often see sacred symbols, such as the 'Om." By following the symbolic meaning represented in the pieces, you can trace the historical significance of the items to the people of Indonesia.

On the Indonesian island of Bali, you will find a rich and pervasive history that can be told through handmade jewelry, created using ancestral traditions by amazing artists who carry on the intricate techniques passed down through the generations. Let's have a closer look at the symbolism present in Balinese jewelry. 

Balinese Symbolism in Jewelry

Like many nations and countries, there is a plethora of symbols that carry cultural significance to the people of Bali. Some of these symbols arrived as Hindus made the move to Bali, while others are sacred to the Indigenous people who call the area their home. 


In the Hindu religion, sounds are often used to denote their God, with 'Om' being the most common and easily recognizable. Om is the most important sound in Bali and is used to begin virtually every mantra and prayer. It's not surprising, then, that you'll see this symbol appear on a wide variety of Indonesian jewelry, from handmade rings to pendants and more.

Spirituality and Emotions

MARTA Earrings

There is much symbolism in the traditional scrollwork that is so common in Balinese jewelry. Many steps in life's journey, emotions and spiritual meanings are crucial to the meaning of the item. Love, spiritual power and energy, womanhood and recovery from adversity are popular themes. 


It's said that the goddess of poetry, Saraswati, used writing to bring the human race into existence. For this reason, many pieces of handmade jewelry you'll find in Bali feature some kind of writing, often engraved into the silver used to create the piece. Written symbols are often used in spiritual offerings so you might find them on traditional jewelry worn for spiritual ceremonies. 

The Mandala

The mandala is a highly symbolic image in Bali, denoting the directions, the gods, sounds, colors, days, numbers, and animals. While you might not see all of these images on every rendering of the mandala, chances are that if you are looking for Balinese jewelry with a special meaning, the mandala will feature heavily. 

Representational Symbols


There are also a variety of symbols that are associated with gods. For example, one common symbol is an hourglass that is created by the coming together of two triangles, which symbolizes the rice goddess. Palm leaves, rice stalks and other food are other images that may appear on jewelry with cultural significance. 

Abstract Symbols

You might see images of the gods' weapons on traditional jewelry. That might be the magical discus of Wisnu or the snake of Mahadewa. Surprisingly, you may also see the swastika on traditional Balinese jewelry. To the Balinese, it represents the energy of the universe and the nine manifestations of God. Unlike the Nazi swastika, the Hindu swastika rotates clockwise. 


ANI Necklace

Many places hold special meaning in Bali and you may see them depicted on the jewelry. Mountains are viewed as the home of the gods, so you might find triple peaks as a spiritual symbol. The triune represents the underworld, man and God. 


Animals are popular imagery in Bali jewelry design, but the animals depicted also carry symbolic meaning. Geese represent the three levels of the universe because it's the only animal that can live on the land, in the sea and in the air. Ducks and chickens are often depicted because they are used for ceremonies. Turtles, snakes, elephants, lions and dogs are other animals that have symbolic meaning in Balinese culture.


ARMIG Earrings

The Bali people have a special appreciation for nature, which makes itself known in much of its silver jewelry. The lotus flower is a predominant symbol of nature and signifies purity and spiritual awakening. It's very commonly seen on earrings, rings, necklaces and bracelets that are crafted by Balinese jewelry artists.

Bali's landscape, including volcanoes, waves and beaches also appear in some pieces of jewelry. You might also see the betel leaf, rice, the banyan tree and other flowers. Some Balinese artistry uses tiny silver granules to represent the sand of the beaches and the stars in the sky. 


Silver as a metal used for jewelry dates back centuries in Bali and if you would like to own traditional pieces that honor the culture and people, understanding the symbolism is a good way to do so. That gives you the opportunity to wear something beautiful, while also creating a connection with the artist who created it. Browse the collection at Garni Trading to find a piece that calls out to you. 

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